Archiexte replied

400 weeks ago

The Gunpowder Plot (Classic Histories Series)
by Alan Haynes
rating: 3.3 (4 reviews)

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<div>Alan Haynes&rsquo;s probing analysis offers the clearest, most balanced view yet of often conflicting evidence regarding what happened November 5th, as he disentangles the threads of disharmony, intrigue, betrayal, terror and retribution. In this new, updated edition he gathers together startling evidence to uncover the depth and extent of the plot, and how close the plotters came to de-stabilizing the government in one of the most notorious terrorist plots of British history. This enthralling book will grip the general reader, while the scope of its detailed research will require historians of the period to consider again the commanding importance of the plot throughout the 17th century.</div>

price: $5.92
bound: 188 pages
publisher: The History Press; Reprint edition (April 1, 2017)
lang: English
isbn: 0750978554, 978-0750978552,
weight: 7.8 ounces (

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last edited 376 weeks ago by Archiexte
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