Sudden and strong cooling has spread around the world. Harsh blizzards and low temperatures caught the people unprepared. Cities were leveled and countries were demolished. Every form of government ceased to exist. Some survivors are trying to reach Africa where the cooling is milder. Desolate cities are being ravaged by looters and raiders, showing no mercy for anyone. Three friends, Michael, Victor and Alex must face their fears in order to survive in a world ruled by cruel reality. That feeling when a short movie is too long… The plot was simple, the end pretentious, the budget was minimal (and that's not an issue necessarily), the locations unimaginative, but the acting takes the centre stage as it was painful to watch how badly the lines were coming out of the 'actors'. None of them probably have any acting experience, which is also OK for a home video, but I wouldn't advise anyone getting exposed to it, unless you're a family member who has to see it.<br/><br/>I say - if you have 22 minutes of your life that you want to regret - go and watch it. Otherwise, you can maybe invest that time in making tonight's dinner much more creative and actually enjoy the investment severalfold.
Archiexte replied
338 weeks ago